
来源: 来源: 数字水泥网 发布时间:2009年05月20日

Leaders, Ladies & gentlemen, good morning.

Today we are publishing Huaxin’s second CSR report.


Since the beginning of 2008, we have set up a special system to take charge of CSR issues, set up a CSR steering team responsible for policy and a CSR section responsible for monitoring CSR work. Furthermore, we have incorporated CSR into our operations, enhanced communication with the public, and strengthened our exchanges with the international community. 从2008年初,我们组建了一个专门的队伍来负责CSR工作,成立了CSR指导委员会来负责制定和CSR相关的政策,并监控CSR工作的业绩。而且,我们已经将CSR工作融入到了公司的运营中去了,加强了与公众的交流,以及与国际的交流。

In the area of international exchanges, one item I would like to highlight is that Huaxin will be co-hosting the Holcim Foundation awards in Beijing next month. The Holcim Foundation competition celebrates innovative, future-oriented and tangible sustainable construction projects and visions from around the globe and provides prize money of USD 2 million per three-year competition cycle. This year the winner of the Asia-Pacific prize is Professor Zhang Yue, the Deputy Chair of Urban Planning Department, at Tsinghua University Architecture School. His project on sustainable planning for a rural community also won the global bronze award. 在国际交流方面,我想要提到一点,那就是下个月华新将与Holcim一起在北京主持Holcim可持续建筑奖金。这个活动庆祝了来自全球的创新型的,以将来为导向的,以及切实可行的可持续建筑项目和远景,并为每三年一轮的竞争活动提供了两百万美元作为奖金。今年亚太地区的获奖者是清华大学建筑学院城市计划发展系的副主任,张越教授。他的关于乡村地区的可持续计划发展项目同时也荣获了国际铜牌奖。

In the report we cover 11 aspects of CSR work:
1) Scientific development 科学发展
2) Technological innovation 科技创新
3) Corporate Governance 公司治理
4) Management excellence 卓越管理
5) Building Trust 诚信建设
6) Customers 客户
7) Staff 员工
8) Safety 安全生产
9) Protecting the environment 环境保护
10)  Suppliers 供应商
11)  Serving society社会贡献

Today, I would like to emphasize 2 aspects of our CSR work. These are 今天,我想重点强调其中的2个方面,就是
1) Management excellence to improve CSR performance; and 用卓越管理提升CSR的业绩,以及
2) serving society 社会贡献

Regarding the first aspect of management excellence, there are 5 important areas of internal management work which directly improve our CSR performance: 关于第一个方面卓越管理,在我们公司的内部管理工作上有5个重要的方面直接提升了我们CSR的业绩:
1. Reducing the environmental impact of our plants, especially dust, gas and noise emissions. 减少我们工厂对环境的影响,特别是减少粉尘,气体及噪音排放
2. Beautifying plants to have a positive visual impact 美化工厂,创造良好的视觉效果
3. Improving safety performance with a goal of zero harm 围绕“零”伤害的目标来改善安全业绩
4. Reducing consumption of energy and raw materials 减少能源及原材料的消耗
5. Improving the working environment and career opportunities for our employees 为我们的员工改善工作环境,并创造合理的职业生涯机会

In each of the above areas we have set specific objectives and deadlines to continually improve performance. These objectives help our managers to understand their social responsibilities and broaden their management scope. In turn, they work to improve the consciousness of their employees. 对于每一方面,我们都设立了具体的目标和完成期限以持续不断的改善业绩。这些目标能够帮助我们的管理者们理解他们的社会责任,拓宽他们的管理范围。随之,他们又开始不断的唤起员工对社会责任的意识。

This work receives active and strong support from top management and every month subsidiaries must report to top management on their progress. 这项工作得到了公司高管层积极而强大的支持。每个月分子公司都必须向高管层汇报他们的进度情况。

The second important aspect of Huaxin’s CSR work is serving society. 华新CSR工作的第二个重要方面就是社会贡献。

We believe that every enterprise benefits from society’s support and it is our duty to reciprocate by contribution to society. In 2008 our charitable donations were more than 8 million RMB. 我们始终坚信,每一个企业的发展都得到了社会的支持,因此我们有责任为社会做贡献。在2008年,我们的慈善捐赠超过八百万人民币。

The main donations were 3.7 m RMB to help the victims of the Wenchuan earthquake and a similar amount to help development of communities in which we operate. 其中,三百七十万人民币捐赠给了汶川地震的受灾者。另外一部分则用于支援新农村的建设。

Huaxin supports local economic development as an integral part of the company’s development process. Many of our plants are located in undeveloped areas. When we invest in a new plant, we also consider how we can assist the local economy to develop.

The most important contribution is to employ local people because this provides not just a one-time donation but an ongoing way for local people to make a living. We have a strict policy to fill all positions with local people except for those which require special skills not available in the area. In 2009 we will recruit over 2000 people to work in new cement plants of which over 80% will be from the local communities. 我们最重要的贡献是雇佣当地居民。因为这给他们的不仅仅是一个一次性的捐赠,而是为他们的生活提供了一个源源不断的保障。在这方面我们有一个很严格的政策,除非某些岗位有特殊的技能要求而当地居民无法胜任,否则必须雇佣当地居民来填充所有的其它岗位。在2009年,我们还将招聘两千多人在新建的水泥厂工作,其中80%是来自当地社区。

In some of our locations we have set up a factory to produce cement bags near the cement plant. This is a labour intensive, low skilled process that allows us to employ a large number of local people. This year we will employ over 400 people to work in new packaging plants, almost all of which are recruited from the local communities. 在某些地区,我们还在水泥厂附近建立了工厂来生产水泥包装袋。这是一个劳动密集型,而技能要求低的行业。因而我们可以雇佣大量的当地居民。今年我们将招聘400多人在新建的包装厂工作,而几乎所有的人都是来自当地社区。

The second major contribution is in providing local infrastructure such as roads –again these have a continuing use, not just a one time benefit. We also contribute to local development indirectly through the tax revenues that we generate for the local government and by acting as an engine for local development. 第二个主要贡献是为当地社区建立基础设施,如公路等。而这些也是可以持续使用的,不仅仅是一个一次性的利益。同时,通过给当地政府缴纳税款,以及扮演当地发展的发动机的角色,我们也在间接的为当地发展做贡献。

To conclude, at Huaxin CSR covers internal management and external relations. In the last year CSR has become more and more a part of our everyday management responsibilities. We have started to awaken the CSR consciousness of our employees and to deepen the meaning of our company motto: a beautiful world begins from us. 总之,华新的CSR覆盖了内部管理及外部关系的管理。在去年我们的CSR工作逐渐成为了我们日常管理工作中的部分职责。我们已经开始唤醒员工对CSR的意识,并不断深化着我们公司的愿景:美好的世界从我们开始!

Thank you. 谢谢大家!