


更新日期: 2006年04月14日 【字体:

ABB increased production at a Holcim cement plant in Italy by an exceptional 8 percent and improved key quality indicators by between 25 and 40 percent – enabling Holcim to recoup its investment in only four months.
      ABB 帮助意大利Holcim水泥厂提升了8%的生产率,同时对质量关键指标也提高了25%到40%,从而使得Holcim仅在四个月内就收回了投资成本。

The solution, based on ABB’s industry-leading Expert Optimizer™ process optimization system, was installed in the kiln and cooler sections of Holcim’s Ternate cement plant in northern Italy. The plant has a capacity of 2,600 tons of clinker a day. 
      基于ABB业界领先的Expert Optimizer™过程优化系统安装在Holcim位于意大利北部Ternate水泥厂的干燥炉和冷却器部件。该水泥厂的生产量为每天2600吨的渣块。

The project goals were to increase production, achieve a more consistent product quality, and raise the plant’s consumption of alternative and subsidized fuels like chemical and animal waste products while simultaneously improving process stability.

Measurements taken after the installation of Expert Optimizer reveal an increase in clinker output of 8 percent, and a reduction in the standard deviation of C3S (tricalcium silicate) and free lime of 40 and 25 percent respectively, indicating improved process stability and more consistent product quality.
      安装了Expert Optimizer 之后采用的测量法使得渣块产量提高了8%,而三钙硅酸盐和游离石灰的标准偏差分别降低了40%和25%,改善了过程稳定性和产品质量一致性。

By increasing in process stability and consistent product quality, Expert Optimizer lowers the plant’s operating costs for a payback time of just four months. 
      通过提高过程稳定性和产品质量一致性,Expert Optimizer降低了工厂的运作成本,而回收期仅用了四个月。

C3S and free lime are critical for the strength (C3S) and durability (free lime) of concrete. A significant reduction in the standard deviation of both substances is proof of process stability and consistent product quality, factors which lower the plant’s operating costs and enable Holcim to consistently meet customer demands for reliable quality.

Expert Optimizer is installed in some 170 clinker kilns worldwide producing more than 100 million tons of cement a year. It is the only optimization system to include expert systems and model predictive control in the same system, thereby providing cement manufacturers with a choice of technologies most appropriate to their needs.
      Expert Optimizer已经在世界范围内应用于170个渣块干燥器中,每年生产超过1亿吨的水泥。它是唯一一个在同一个系统中同时拥有专家系统和预先控制模型的优化系统。因此,它是满足水泥生产商对技术要求的最恰当选择。

注:Holcim集团是世界上水泥、 混凝土、预拌混凝土及建筑服务领域的领先供应商之一,集团旗下公司遍布全球70多个国家。




